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S — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
sample — Property, class flare.core.Light3D
The BitmapData to use for light projections.
SAMPLED — Constant Static Property, class flare.materials.filters.LightFilter
samplers — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
scale — Property, class flare.core.ParticleInit3D
The scale of the particle.
scaledPivot — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
When the collider pivot is scaled, set this property to true to properly calculate the collider transforms.
scaleRatio — Property, class flare.primitives.SkyBox
The scale ratio that defines the proyection scale.
scaleX — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Increases or decreases the object scale on the X axis from its current scale.
scaleX — Property, class flare.core.Sprite3D
scaleX — Property, class flare.materials.filters.EnvironmentMapFilter
scaleX(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, scale:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Increases or decreases the matrix scale on the X axis.
scaleY — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Increases or decreases the object scale on the Y axis from its current scale.
scaleY — Property, class flare.core.Sprite3D
scaleY — Property, class flare.materials.filters.EnvironmentMapFilter
scaleY(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, scale:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Increases or decreases the matrix scale on the Y axis.
scaleZ — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Increases or decreases the object scale on the Z axis from its current scale.
scaleZ(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, scale:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Increases or decreases the matrix scale on the Z axis.
scene — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Gets a reference to the scene that contains the object.
scene — Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Gets the scene context of the surface.
scene — Property, class flare.core.Texture3D
Gets the scene context of the texture.
scene — Property, class flare.materials.Material3D
Gets a reference to the scene that the material is associated.
scene — Property, class flare.materials.filters.LightFilter
scene — Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
Current scene.
Scene3D — class, package flare.basic
The Scene3D class is the main element, container and manager of all the 3d resources and objects.
Scene3D(container:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer, file:String) — Constructor, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Create a new Scene3D object.
scissor — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
screen — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
segments — Property, class flare.primitives.Box
segments — Property, class flare.primitives.Capsule
segments — Property, class flare.primitives.Cone
segments — Property, class flare.primitives.Cube
segments — Property, class flare.primitives.Plane
segments — Property, class flare.primitives.Sphere
SelfColorFilter — class, package flare.materials.filters
SelfColorFilter(color:int, level:Number) — Constructor, class flare.materials.filters.SelfColorFilter
semantic — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSL
The semantic which the object is associated.
semantics — Static Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLMaterial
Semantics are used to bind static data into specific flsl parameters.
SEMICOLON — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
set(a:flash.geom:Vector3D, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, w:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Vector3DUtils
Sets the values for a vector.
setAlphas(alphas:Array, ratios:Array) — method, class flare.core.Particles3D
Sets the values to use as an alpha channel for all particles to use over the time.
setAlphas(alphas:Array, ratios:Array) — method, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
Sets the values to use as an alpha channel for all particles to use over the time.
setAnimationLabel(label:Object, animationMode:int, includeChildren:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Sets the current animation label.
setAnimations(dest:flare.core:Pivot3D, source:flare.core:Pivot3D) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Pivot3DUtils
This method replaces all pivot dest animations and labels by the source ones using pivot names.
setAnimationSmooth(mode:int, includeChildren:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Sets the animation interpolation mode for this pivot and its children.
setBlendingState(mesh:flare.core:Mesh3D) — method, class flare.modifiers.SkinModifier
setCollisionGroups(... rest) — method, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
Resets and sets the collision groups to the collider.
setColor(r:Number, g:Number, b:Number, a:Number) — method, class flare.core.Lines3D
setColors(colors:Array, ratios:Array) — method, class flare.core.Particles3D
Set the colors for the particles over the time.
setColors(colors:Array, ratios:Array) — method, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
Set the colors for the particles over the time.
setFogProperties(enabled:Boolean, near:Number, far:Number, r:Number, g:Number, b:Number, a:Number) — method, class flare.materials.filters.LightFilter
setFrame(mesh:flare.core:Mesh3D) — method, class flare.modifiers.SkinModifier
setGamma(r:Number, g:Number, b:Number) — method, class flare.materials.filters.LightFilter
setLayer(value:int, includeChildren:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Sets the layer to render the object and all of his children.
setLayerSortMode(layer:int, mode:int) — method, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Specifies a layer to be sorted per object on each frame.
setLength(a:flash.geom:Vector3D, length:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Vector3DUtils
Sets a scale for a vector.
setMass(mass:Number) — method, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
Sets the collider mass and inertia for collisions and physics.
setMaterial(material:flare.materials:Material3D, includeChildren:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Sets a material for the object and, optionally, all its descendants.
setNormalOrientation(normal:flash.geom:Vector3D, smooth:Number) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Aligns the object to a normal.
setNormalOrientation(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, normal:flash.geom:Vector3D, smooth:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Aligns the object to a normal.
setOrientation(dir:flash.geom:Vector3D, up:flash.geom:Vector3D, smooth:Number) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Orients the object in a specific direction.
setOrientation(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, dir:flash.geom:Vector3D, up:flash.geom:Vector3D, smooth:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Orients the object in a specific direction.
setParams(color:int, radius:Number, attenuation:Number, multiplier:Number, infinite:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Light3D
Sets the light properties.
setPosition(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, smooth:Number, local:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Sets the position of the object.
setPosition(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, smooth:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Returns a matrix position.
setPositionWithReference(pivot:flare.core:Pivot3D, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, reference:flare.core:Pivot3D, smooth:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Pivot3DUtils
Positions an object using another as reference.
setQuaternion(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, quat:flash.geom:Vector3D, ignoreScale:Boolean, ignorePosition:Boolean) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
setRotation(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Sets the object rotation using euler angles.
setRotation(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Rotates a matrix using euler angles.
setScale(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, smooth:Number) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Sets the object scale.
setScale(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, smooth:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Sets the object scale.
setShadowsProperties(cast:Boolean, receive:Boolean, includeChildren:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Sets whether the object should cast and receive shadows.
setStatic(value:Boolean, includeChildren:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
setTechnique(name:String) — method, class flare.flsl.FLSLMaterial
setTint(r:Number, g:Number, b:Number, a:Number) — method, class flare.core.Particles3D
setTo(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, fullScreenMode:Boolean) — method, class flare.primitives.Quad
setTranslation(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, local:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Translates the object from its current position to the specified distance.
setTranslation(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, local:Boolean) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Translates the object from its current position to the specified distance.
setupConstants() — method, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Updates global constants for each frame.
setupFrame(camera:flare.core:Camera3D) — method, class flare.basic.Scene3D
This method prepares the scene to be rendered.
setViewport(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, antialias:int) — method, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Sets the dimensions of the canvas rendering area.
Shader3D — class, package flare.materials
Shader3D(name:String, filters:Array, enableLights:Boolean, transform:flare.flsl:FLSLFilter) — Constructor, class flare.materials.Shader3D
shadowFiltering — Property, class flare.loaders.F3DScene
shadowFilteringValue — Property, class flare.loaders.F3DScene
shadowMapSize — Static Property, class flare.materials.filters.LightFilter
shadowMapTexture — Property, class flare.materials.filters.LightFilter
ShadowProjector3D — class, package flare.core
ShadowProjector3D(name:String, quality:int, cascades:int) — Constructor, class flare.core.ShadowProjector3D
shadowsFiltering — Property, class flare.materials.filters.LightFilter
shape — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
The shape of the collider.
shape — Property, class flare.primitives.DebugShape
Shape3D — class, package flare.core
The Shape3D class represents a set of splines (Spline3D).
Shape3D(name:String) — Constructor, class flare.core.Shape3D
Creates a new set of splines.
SHAPE_BOX — Constant Static Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
SHAPE_MESH — Constant Static Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
SHAPE_NULL — Constant Static Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
SHAPE_RAY — Constant Static Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
SHAPE_SPHERE — Constant Static Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
SHIFT — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
shots — Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
Gets or sets the number of particles interval to emit trough the emitter duration.
show() — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Sets the visible property of this object and all its children recursively to true.
showLayer(layer:int) — method, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Shows the object in the specified layer.
showLogo — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Shows or hides the Flare3D watermak logo for debugging purposes.
showMenu — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Shows or hides the Flare3D version on the right click menu.
sin_time — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
size — Property, class flare.primitives.Cross
size — Property, class flare.primitives.Dome
size — Property, class flare.primitives.Dummy
size — Property, class flare.primitives.Radius
size — Property, class flare.primitives.Spring
sizePerVertex — Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
The number of data values associated with each vertex
skinData — Property, class flare.modifiers.SkinModifier
Contains the bone indices for each surface.
SKIN_INDICES — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Vertex skin indices attribute (could be float1 to float4 depending of the Device3D.maxBonesPerVertex property).
SkinModifier — class, package flare.modifiers
Contains all the information needed to perform skinning deformations.
SkinModifier() — Constructor, class flare.modifiers.SkinModifier
SkinTransformFilter — class, package flare.materials.filters
SkinTransformFilter(bones:int) — Constructor, class flare.materials.filters.SkinTransformFilter
SKIN_WEIGHTS — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Vertex skin weights attribute (could be float1 to float4 depending of the Device3D.maxBonesPerVertex property).
skipFrames — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
When is set to true, the scene will maintain a constant update framerate (based on scene.frameRate property), but render frames could be skipped to keep the framerate constant (recommended for games).
SkyBox — class, package flare.primitives
Creates a new skyBox.
SkyBox(request:any, sceneContext:flare.basic:Scene3D, scaleRatio:Number) — Constructor, class flare.primitives.SkyBox
Creates a new SkyBox object.
SLASH — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
sleep() — method, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
Enters in sleeping mode.
sleeping — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
Gets or sets whatever the collider is in sleeping mode or not.
sleepingFactor — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
A factor property which defines how fast the object will enter in sleeping mode, from 0 to 1.
sleepingOverlap — Static Property, class flare.physics.Physics
A value which defines a tolerance for sleeping objects to overlap before wake up.
slider(precision:int) — method, class flare.collisions.SphereCollision
The slider method detects collisions and provides a sliding response depending on the collision inclination (normal).
smooth — Property, class flare.basic.Viewer3D
solve() — method, class flare.physics.Contact
Solves one iteration of the contact.
sort(sortMode:int) — method, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
Forces to sort particles.
SORT_BACK_TO_FRONT — Constant Static Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
SORT_BACK_TO_FRONT — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
SORT_CENTER — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
SORT_FAR — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
SORT_FRONT_TO_BACK — Constant Static Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
SORT_FRONT_TO_BACK — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
sortMode — Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
Gets or sets the sorting mode for the particles.
sortMode — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Gets ot sets the sorting mode for the object.
SORT_NEAR — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
SORT_NONE — Constant Static Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
SORT_NONE — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
SORT_NONE — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
SORT_NONE — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
SORT_OLDEST_FIRST — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
SORT_REVERSE — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
SORT_YOUNGEST_FIRST — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
source — Property, class flare.collisions.SphereCollision
Returns the source used to test the collisions.
source — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLFilter
source — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLMaterial
Shader source code if available.
sourceFactor — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
sourceFactor — Property, class flare.materials.Material3D
The factor with which to multiply the source color.
sources — Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
The surface sources of data index from where the input should be read.
SPACE — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
spawn(spriteClass:Class) — method, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
Spanws a new particle and increaases the maxInstances count using an efficient pooling systtem.
special0 — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
special1 — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
special2 — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
SpecularFilter — class, package flare.materials.filters
SpecularFilter(power:Number, level:Number) — Constructor, class flare.materials.filters.SpecularFilter
SpecularMapFilter — class, package flare.materials.filters
SpecularMapFilter(texture:flare.core:Texture3D, power:Number, level:Number, channel:int) — Constructor, class flare.materials.filters.SpecularMapFilter
speedFactor — Property, class flare.basic.Viewer3D
Sphere — class, package flare.primitives
Sphere(name:String, radius:Number, segments:int, material:flare.materials:Material3D) — Constructor, class flare.primitives.Sphere
SphereBox — class, package flare.physics.test
Detects collisions between sphere and box colliders.
SphereBox() — Constructor, class flare.physics.test.SphereBox
Creates a new SphereBox object.
SphereCollider — final class, package flare.physics.colliders
A Sphere collider object.
SphereCollider(radius:Number) — Constructor, class flare.physics.colliders.SphereCollider
Creates a new sphere collider.
SphereCollision — class, package flare.collisions
The SphereCollision class provides tools to detect the collisions of a sphere against polygonal objects.
SphereCollision(source:flare.core:Pivot3D, radius:Number, offset:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Constructor, class flare.collisions.SphereCollision
Creates a new SphereCollision object.
SphereMesh — class, package flare.physics.test
Detects collisions between sphere and mesh colliders.
SphereMesh() — Constructor, class flare.physics.test.SphereMesh
Creates a new SphereMesh object.
SphereSphere — class, package flare.physics.test
Detects collisions between sphere colliders.
SphereSphere() — Constructor, class flare.physics.test.SphereSphere
Creates a new SphereSphere object.
SPHERICAL — Constant Static Property, class flare.materials.filters.PlanarMapFilter
spin — Property, class flare.core.ParticleInit3D
The spin value of the particle.
spin — Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
Gets or sets a start spin value for all particles.
Spline3D — class, package flare.core
The Spline3D class represents a 3d spline.
Spline3D() — Constructor, class flare.core.Spline3D
Creates a new spline.
splines — Property, class flare.core.Shape3D
Spline3D-type vector with the splines contained in the Shape3D.
split(mesh:flare.core:Mesh3D) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Mesh3DUtils
Split the surfaces of the mesh if they exceds the limit of the buffer size.
splitStrength — Property, class flare.core.ShadowProjector3D
Spring — class, package flare.primitives
Spring(name:String, radius:Number, length:Number, count:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, steps:int) — Constructor, class flare.primitives.Spring
Sprite3D — class, package flare.core
Sprite3D() — Constructor, class flare.core.Sprite3D
SpriteParticles3D — class, package flare.core
SpriteParticles3D(texture:flare.core:Texture3D, enableRotations:Boolean, tiles:flash.geom:Point) — Constructor, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
sprites — Property, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
stage — Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
stageIndex — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Gets the associated Stage3D index.
start() — method, class flare.core.Particles3D
Starts the emission of particles.
startDrag(lockCenter:Boolean, refPlaneNormal:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Lets the user drag the specified Pivot3D.
startSize — Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
Gets or sets the start size of all particles.
staticBatch — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
StaticMesh3D — class, package flare.core
StaticMesh3D(name:String) — Constructor, class flare.core.StaticMesh3D
stencilCompareMode — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
stencilEnabled — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
stencilOnBothPass — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
stencilOnDepthFail — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
stencilOnPass — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
stencilReadMask — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
stencilReferenceValue — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
stencilTriangleFace — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
stencilWriteMask — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
step(iterations:int, timeStep:Number) — method, class flare.physics.Physics
Performs one step of the physics simulation.
steps — Property, class flare.primitives.DebugShape
steps — Property, class flare.primitives.Dome
steps — Property, class flare.primitives.Radius
steps — Property, class flare.primitives.Spring
stop(includeChildren:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
stopDrag() — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Ends the startDrag() method.
stringFormat — Property, class flare.core.Texture3D
sub(a:flash.geom:Vector3D, b:flash.geom:Vector3D, out:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Vector3DUtils
Calculates the subtraction of two vectors.
surface — Property, class flare.collisions.CollisionInfo
surface it collided with.
surface — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
Surface3D — class, package flare.core
The Surface3D class represents a set of vertices, polygons and surfaces which can be drawn.
Surface3D(name:String) — Constructor, class flare.core.Surface3D
Creates a new Surface3D object.
Surface3DUtils — class, package flare.utils
The Surface3DUtils class contains help tools to work with Surface3D-type objects.
surfaces — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
surfaces — Property, class flare.core.Mesh3D
Instance to the Surface3D class.
surfaces — Property, class flare.core.MeshBatch3D
SWFLoader — class, package flare.loaders
SWFLoader(request:any) — Constructor, class flare.loaders.SWFLoader
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