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u — Property, class flare.collisions.CollisionInfo
Horizontal coordinate of texture at the collision point.
U — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
ui — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLParam
The kind of control to be placed in the editor UI.
ui — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLSampler
unload — Event, class flare.core.Pivot3D
This event occurs when the dispose method of the object itself or of a parent object is called.
UNLOAD_EVENT — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Defines the value for the 'unload' event.
UP — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
UP — Constant Static Property, class flare.utils.Vector3DUtils
Vector that defines the (0,1,0) constant.
updatable — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
update — Event, class flare.basic.Scene3D
This event occurs whenever the program must be updated.
update() — method, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Forces to update the scene and animations and will dispatch the scene 'update' event.
update() — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
update() — method, class flare.materials.filters.LightFilter
update() — method, class flare.modifiers.SkinModifier
update(timeStep:Number) — method, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
Updates the state of the collider properties such as its position, orientation, matrices, boundings.
update() — Static Method , class flare.system.Input3D
Updates keyboard and mouse inputs.
updateBoundings() — method, class flare.core.Mesh3D
Forces to update mesh boundings.
updateBoundings() — method, class flare.core.Shape3D
updateBoundings() — method, class flare.core.Surface3D
Goes through each vertex to calculate the surface boundings.
updated — Event, class flare.system.Library3D
This event occurs when the library has been updated.
UPDATE_EVENT — Constant Static Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Defines the value for the update” event.
updateIndexBuffer(startIndex:int, numIndices:int) — method, class flare.core.Surface3D
Updates a portion or all the surface index data into the GPU buffers.
updateInertia() — method, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
When multiple colliders are grouped to a parent collider, the parent collider must update its mass and intertia values.
updateList — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Gets access to the update list.
updateMouseEvents() — method, class flare.basic.Scene3D
This method forces to update mouse events for all 3D objects in the scene.
updatePolys(skin:flare.modifiers:SkinModifier, mesh:flare.core:Mesh3D) — Static Method , class flare.modifiers.SkinModifier
updateProjectionMatrix() — method, class flare.core.Camera3D
Updates the camera projection matrix.
updatesPerSecond — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Returns the update frame rate for statistical purposes.
updateTime — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Returns the time taken to update the scene in milliseconds.
UPDATE_TRANSFORM_EVENT — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Defines the value for the 'updateTransform' event.
updateTransforms(includeChildren:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
This method is used to force the system to update the object in those cases where its matrices have been modified manually.
updateVertexBuffer(startVertex:int, numVertices:int) — method, class flare.core.Surface3D
Updates a portion or all the surface vertex data into the GPU buffers.
upload(scene:flare.basic:Scene3D, includeChildren:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Pivot3D
upload(scene:flare.basic:Scene3D, includeChildren:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.ShadowProjector3D
upload(scene:flare.basic:Scene3D) — method, class flare.core.Surface3D
Link the surface to be uploaded on a specific scene context.
upload(scene:flare.basic:Scene3D) — method, class flare.core.Texture3D
Upload the texture to the graphics card.
upload(scene:flare.basic:Scene3D) — method, class flare.materials.Material3D
Associates and link the material with the scene to be uploaded.
uploadTexture(source:flash.display:BitmapData, side:int) — method, class flare.core.Texture3D
uploadTextures — Property, class flare.loaders.F3DLoader
url — Property, class flare.loaders.Flare3DLoader
url — Property, class flare.loaders.ZF3DLoader
usedBuffers — Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
Sets or gets the amount of used buffers in last draw call.
useDefaultLight — Property, class flare.loaders.F3DScene
usedSamples — Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
Sets or gets the amount of used samples in last draw call.
useHandCursor — Property, class flare.core.Mesh3D
Value that defines whether the hand cursor is to display when events such as MouseEvent3D.MOUSE_OVER or MouseEvent3D.MOUSE_MOVE are defined.
useRandomColors — Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
Gets or sets whether the particles should use any random color based on the range provided in setColors method.
userData — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Sets or returns an object for free use by the user.
userData — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
An object to store any custom properties, null by default.
UV0 — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Vertex primary uv channel attribute (flaot2).
UV1 — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Vertex secondary uv channel attribute (float2).
UV2 — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Vertex third uv channel attribute (float2).
UV3 — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Vertex four uv channel attribute (float2).
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