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E — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
e0 — Property, class flare.physics.geom.Triangle
First edge of the triangle, vertex 0 to 1.
e1 — Property, class flare.physics.geom.Triangle
Second edge of the triangle, vertex 1 to 2.
e2 — Property, class flare.physics.geom.Triangle
Third edge of the triangle, vertex 2 to 0.
edge — Property, class flare.physics.Contact
The triangle edge involved in this contact if any.
Edge — final class, package flare.physics.geom
A normalized axis edge structure for Triangle class.
Edge(v0:flare.physics.geom:Vertex, v1:flare.physics.geom:Vertex) — Constructor, class flare.physics.geom.Edge
Creates a new edge beween two vertices.
enableCameraCulling — Property, class flare.core.MeshBatch3D
enabled — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLFilter
enabled — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
Enable or disable the collider.
enableEventPhase — Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
enableLights — Property, class flare.materials.Shader3D
Sets or gets if the material is affected by scene lights.
enableRenderShadows — Property, class flare.materials.filters.LightFilter
enableRotation — Property, class flare.core.MeshBatch3D
enableShadowsFiltering — Property, class flare.materials.filters.LightFilter
enableUpdateAndRender — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Enables or disable the automatic update, render and postRender events of the scene.
END — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
endFrame() — method, class flare.basic.Scene3D
endSize — Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
Gets or sets the final size of the particle.
energy — Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
Gets or sets the starting velocity of the particles, working as a range value.
ENTER — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
enterDrag — Event, class flare.core.Pivot3D
This event occurs before drag the object.
ENTER_DRAG_EVENT — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Defines the value for the 'enterDrag' event.
enterDraw — Event, class flare.core.Pivot3D
This event occurs before draw the object.
ENTER_DRAW_EVENT — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Defines the value for the 'enterDraw' event.
enterFrame — Event, class flare.core.Pivot3D
This event occurs before entering any frame.
ENTER_FRAME_EVENT — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Defines the value for the 'enterFrame' event.
EnvironmentMapFilter — class, package flare.materials.filters
EnvironmentMapFilter(texture:flare.core:Texture3D, blendMode:String, alpha:Number, techniqueName:String) — Constructor, class flare.materials.filters.EnvironmentMapFilter
equal(a:flash.geom:Matrix3D, b:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Returns 'true' if 'a' and 'b' matrices are equal.
EQUAL — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
ESCAPE — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
eventPhase — Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
exitDrag — Event, class flare.core.Pivot3D
This event occurs after drag the object.
EXIT_DRAG_EVENT — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Defines the value for the 'exitDrag' event.
exitDraw — Event, class flare.core.Pivot3D
This event occurs after draw the object.
EXIT_DRAW_EVENT — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Defines the value for the 'exitDraw' event.
exitFrame — Event, class flare.core.Pivot3D
This event occurs after updating every frame.
EXIT_FRAME_EVENT — Constant Static Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Defines the value for the 'exitFrame' event.
extractCubeMap(bitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Texture3DUtils
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