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I — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
IComponent — Interface, package flare.core
IDrawable — Interface, package flare.core
ignoreInvisibleUnderMouse — Property, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Allow to detect mouse events with non visible objects such as references or simplified geometry.
ignoreStates — Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
This property sets if materials should use define render states.
ILibraryExternalItem — Interface, package flare.system
ILibraryItem — Interface, package flare.system
indexBuffer — Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Buffer of indices that reference to a vertex buffers of the Surface3D.
indexBytes — Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Vector of indices that reference to a vertex buffers of the Surface3D.
indexVector — Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Vector of indices that reference to a vertex buffers of the Surface3D.
infinite — Property, class flare.core.Light3D
Sets and returns if the light is infinite or not.
info — Property, class flare.events.MouseEvent3D
Object that contains the 3d collision information.
info — Property, class flare.physics.ContactData
The original contact which originated this contact data information.
init(pass:int) — method, class flare.flsl.FLSLShader
Initializes and sets the specified pass to be processed.
init(material:flare.materials:Material3D, index:int, pass:int) — method, class flare.materials.filters.SkinTransformFilter
initialize(stage:flash.display:Stage) — Static Method , class flare.system.Input3D
Initializes the Input3D class.
initParticleFunction — Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
Gets or sets a custom callback function to initializate the particles.
Input3D — class, package flare.system
The Input3D class manages keyboard and mouse inputs.
inputs — Property, class flare.flsl.FLSLProgram
INSERT — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Input3D
instanceOf — Property, class flare.core.Surface3D
Gets or sets the instance reference of the surface if there is one.
interpolate(a:flash.geom:Vector3D, b:flash.geom:Vector3D, value:Number, out:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Vector3DUtils
Calculates the interpolation between two vectors.
interpolateTo(src:flash.geom:Matrix3D, dest:flash.geom:Matrix3D, percent:Number) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Interpolates this matrix towards the translation, rotation, and scale transformations of the target matrix.
intersect() — method, class flare.collisions.SphereCollision
The intersect method detects when the colliding object intersects another 3d mesh but will not generate any response.
intersectRay(from:flash.geom:Vector3D, direction:flash.geom:Vector3D, out:Vector$flare.physics.geom:BVH, count:int, sort:Boolean) — method, class flare.physics.geom.BVH
Test a ray againts the BVH.
intersectSphere(from:flash.geom:Vector3D, radius:Number, out:Vector$flare.physics.geom:BVH, count:int) — method, class flare.physics.geom.BVH
Thest a sphere volume against the BVH tree.
invBoneMatrix — Property, class flare.modifiers.SkinModifier
Initial transform for eahc bone.
inVec — Property, class flare.core.Knot3D
Input vector for splines (Spline3D)
invert(m:flash.geom:Matrix3D, out:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — Static Method , class flare.utils.Matrix3DUtils
Inverts a matrix3D.
invertCullFace — Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
Allow to invert the culling state.
invGlobal — Constant Static Property, class flare.system.Device3D
Inverse global matrix of current rendering object.
inView — Property, interface flare.core.IDrawable
Returns whether the object should be drawn.
inView — Property, class flare.core.Light3D
inView — Property, class flare.core.MeshBatch3D
inView — Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
inView — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
inView — Property, class flare.core.SpriteParticles3D
inView — Property, class flare.core.StaticMesh3D
invInertia — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
The world space inverted inertia matrix.
invLocalInertia — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
The inverted local inertia matrix.
invMass — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
The inverse mass of the collider.
invTransform — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
The inverse world transform matrix.
invWorld — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Returns a matrix with the inverse global position, rotation and scale of the object.
ioError — Event, class flare.basic.Scene3D
Dispatched if a call to load() results in a fatal error that terminates the download.
ioError — Event, class flare.system.Library3D
Dispatched if a call to load() results in a fatal error that terminates the download.
IReadWrite — Interface, package flare.system
isATF — Property, class flare.core.Texture3D
isPlaying — Property, class flare.core.Particles3D
isPlaying — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
Returns true if an animation is being played.
isPoint(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) — method, class flare.physics.geom.Triangle
Test if a point is inside or not of the triangle.
isRigidBody — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
Sets or gets if the collider behaves as a rigid body.
isSphereInView(point:flash.geom:Vector3D, radius:Number, viewSpace:Boolean) — method, class flare.core.Camera3D
Test if a bounding sphere is inside of the view space (frustrum) of the camera.
isStatic — Property, class flare.core.Pivot3D
isStatic — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
Sets or gets if the collider behaves as a static object.
isTrigger — Property, class flare.physics.colliders.Collider
Sets or gets if the collider behaves as a trigger.
items — Property, class flare.system.Library3D
Returns a copy of the stored items.
itemsToLoad — Property, class flare.system.Library3D
Returns a copy of the stored items to be loaded.
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