 IComponent ...
 Boundings3D The Boundings3D class has the information about Pivot3D-type object dimensions.
 Camera3D The Camera3D class represents the point of view and orientation of the scene.
 Knot3D The Knot3D class defines points for the splines (Spline3D).
 Label3D The Label3D class defines labels to be used for 3d object animation.
 Light3D The Light3D class represents a 3d light.
 Lines3D The Lines3D class is a helper to work with 3D pixel thickness lines.
 Mesh3D The Mesh3D class contains the data (geometry, materials, modifiers) instances which can be drawn a 3d object.
 ParticleInit3D The ParticleInit3D class defines a structure to use for particles initialization.
 Particles3D The Particles3D class creates billboard particle effects.
 Pivot3D The Pivot3D class is the most basic three-dimensional element.
 Shape3D The Shape3D class represents a set of splines (Spline3D).
 Spline3D The Spline3D class represents a 3d spline.
 Surface3D The Surface3D class represents a set of vertices, polygons and surfaces which can be drawn.
 Texture3D The Textrue3D class contains information on material textures.